In the word of God we read about “the Way”.
The first century movement known for following the Messiah came to be called The Way.
Saul went looking for “any belonging to the Way, men or women”.
Acts 9:2 -
The servants of the Most High God proclaimed “the way of salvation”.
Acts 16:17 -
Apollos had been instructed in “the way of the Lord”, then two disciples “took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately”. Acts 18:25-26
Some were saying bad things “against the Way” in front of the masses. Acts 19:9
There arose during that time a serious disturbance concerning the Way. Acts 19:23
Paul says that they called the Way “a sect”.
Acts 24:14 -
The Governor was noted as one “knowing more accurately the things concerning the Way”.
Acts 24:22 -
Hebrews calls it “a new and living way”, surpassing and replacing the former “way” we know as Judaism.
Hebrews 10:20 -
Peter calls it “the way of truth” and “the way of righteousness”.
2 Peter 2:2,21
Taking all this together suggests to us that living according to the Way is following in the steps of Jesus. That’s definitely the Way we want to live, but we don’t live up to it as much as we would like. But that’s not going to stop us trying — especially since Christ has forgiven our many failings. We’re a work in progress, under Christ’s shepherdly direction.
Jesus himself declared that he is the way, the truth and the life, and these all tie together in the faith which the early disciples of Christ practised. We know this “Way” — the way of truth, the way of the Lord, the way of God — is not the way most choose, but we do heartily commend it, because God’s way works.
"We don't proclaim ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord."
2 Corinthians 4:5
God's way...
is perfect
Psalm 18:30
is far above
our ways
Isaiah 55:9
is the everlasting way
Psalm 139:24
is the way of peace & salvation
Romans 3:17
Acts 16:17
is therefore worth the effort to learn more accurately
Acts 18:26